In 2020, a survey conducted by the Office of the Equal Opportunities Controller showed that 41% of Lithuanian residents would not want to live next to a Muslim. Meanwhile, 48% of respondents stated that their attitude towards Muslims has worsened over the past five years.

These results are an obvious consequence of the images of Islam spread by the media, which are often at odds with reality. Unfortunately, from the Middle Ages until today, Islam and Muslims in Europe have been presented mostly negatively, sometimes even demonically.

Although it should be increasingly easy to get to know each other and live in harmony in a globalizing world, xenophobia and Islamophobia are growing incredibly fast. And this divides society, harms the stability of the country and complicates the integration of migrants, which brings a bunch of new problems.

Therefore, we - Lithuanian Muslims - have established an Islamic center, which will not only provide the Lithuanian public with high-quality academic information about Islam, thus allowing you to get to know this religion and its culture, but will also encourage the local Muslim community to integrate into public life.

This is how we will build a bridge between cultures and create an opportunity for Muslims to integrate into Lithuanian society, and for Lithuanian society to accept them as part of itself!

Our story

What we are doing?

We introduce the residents of Lithuania to the religion of Islam and the culture of its followers through social and academic activities.

We aim to show that Islam is a beautiful religion with deep traditions which is close to Lithuanian culture and should not be feared.

We encourage Lithuanian Muslims to be active and useful persons for society, who contribute to the creation of a more beautiful and open Lithuania.

Our goal -

to create a platform, which will help Lithuanians to communicate with Muslims and learn Islam, and will encourage Muslims to become an active and motivated to work part of Lithuanian society.

We create for the future

Cultivating openness and interculturality cannot be limited to one part of society. Talks about tolerance are pointless if it is not known who and for what needs to be tolerated. Also, it is impossible if tolerated people don't want to become a healthy part of society.

Therefore, our plan is two-fold - we aim to educate Lithuanian people about Islam and encourage Muslims to actively participate in public life, thus showing that our values and goals are more similar than different!

Our activities

Our team

In 2022, acquired a Bachelor's degree in the field of History and Islamic Studies at the International Islamic University Malaysia.

In 2023, completed a Master's degree in Classical Islamic History at the University of Cambridge.

Since 2024, with support from the Lithuanian State Study Fund, has been continuing doctoral studies at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge.

Has experience in the research of Baltic Muslim minorities, having conducted research for the Egyptian "Arkan Research and Publication" center.

Fluent in Lithuanian, Arabic, and English.

Paulius Abdulhakim Bergaudas

Belek Aidarov

In 2010, obtained a Master's degree in Political Science at Vilnius University.

Since 2020, has been chairing the Lithuanian Kyrgyz Community.

Actively participates in the activities of the Lithuanian Muslim community. Organizes community camps for children and conducts lessons on Islam.

Fluent in Kyrgyz, Turkish, English, Russian, Kurdish, and Lithuanian.

Deputy chief

Kristina Bertulytė

Simona Jokšaitė

Simona Kreivėnaitė

Eglė Amina Elmahdy

Social networks manager
Website manager/translator
Content editor
AI design specialist

A student who enjoys reading and strives for personal development.

A nurse, social worker. I help people for the sake of Allah. I like to read and enjoy being in nature.